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Generation 1

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Generation 6

Alligator Jaw Wrenches

Dual Wrenches

Dual wrenches

Were first produced in 1926 and ceased in the early 1950s.
The wrenches are designed as combinations of the usual

15 degree wrenches No. 69-73.
Sizing No.: 9 / 10, 70/71, 71/72, 72/73.
No. 9 / 10 has jaw openings the same as
No. 69 and 10.
The other jaw has openings 70 series.
Grip capacity    9 / 10           13 and 19mm            Length 155 mm
Grip capacity   70/71            19 and 26mm            Length 205 mm
Grip capacity  71/72             26 and 30mm            Length 255mm
Grip capacity  72/73             30 and 34mm            Length 305mm

Wrenches No. 469-473
Were first produced in 1934 and ceased 1941 
The wrenches were made of Cr-Ni-Va-steel, h
ardened and chromed. The choice of material may have caused production problems.
The shaft is wider at the rear than the head.
12-angler polygon grip of the handle. Right hand thread set screw.
No. 469 Grip Capacity         13.0 mm         Length 110 mm        Polygon 8.0 mm
No. 470 Grip Capacity         19.0 mm         Length 155 mm        Polygon 9.6 mm
No. 471 Grip Capacity         26.0 mm         Length 205 mm        Polygon 12.7 mm
No. 472 Grip Capacity         30.0 mm         Length 255 mm        Polygon 15.9 mm
No. 473 Grip Capacity         34.0 mm         Length 305 mm        Polygon 19.0 mm

Wrenches 570-575
Began production in October 1937. Production ended in the early 1950s.
The handle was wider at the rear and fitted with suspension
Only a few batches of 571 and 572 were manufactured.
Gripping width and length was equal to the 669 Series