Cindy's Gold Plated WrenchBruce's Bahco Collections

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Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Generation 6

Alligator Jaw Wrenches

Dual Wrenches

4th generation

Wrenches 669-675  
These were produced from 1954 to 1968.
Had longer and thinner jaws than 70 series wrenches
These had left-handed threads
They had a tapered shank with a wider back end and with a suspension hole.

Grip capacity and length were equal to the 70 Series
Was available in phosphate-coated or  chrome.

Wrenches 0669 - 0675 
These were produced from 1969 to 1983.  Production of these began after the production of 70-series wrenches ended
1969 was the highlight of this wrench series
669-675 changed to 0669-0675.
The series 669-675, and Series 0669 -
0675 are identical.

Wrenches 969-975
These were produced from1954 to 1968.
These had a right hand threaded screw, but otherwise, was dentical to 669-675.

Wrenches 0969 - 0975

Were produced from 1969 to 1983.
See 0669-0675.